AAPNews delivers Australia’s national newswire direct to your desktop or mobile device. It’s your way of not only supporting the world’s only not-for-profit newswire, but also puts AAP’s best fact-based and truly independent news at your fingertips. Immerse yourself in a range of content from AAP’s team of reporters across the length and breadth of Australia and our partner agencies around the world.

Sign up at aapnews.com.au or visit your preferred app store and download the app. Then just choose your subscription plan. It’s that simple.

There are several options available to individual users.

Full Access - For $10 a month, get access to the entire AAPNews offering, including breaking news and in-depth coverage of the biggest stories from Australia and abroad. You also get access to all of AAP’s ‘specialist desks’.

Student Access - Students can use a verified student email address to secure access to AAPNews for $5 a month. You get the same content as those on the Full Access subscription.

This is your chance to support independent news and media diversity in Australia. AAP was on the brink of being shut down in 2020, before the national newswire was rescued by a group of philanthropists. Now AAP needs your support to not only survive, but also thrive. Never before has the national newswire been available to individuals. You now have the opportunity to support a good cause, and get a reliable news feed at the same time.

You can cancel at any time - there’s no contracts, no lock-in periods. Just send an email through to aapnews@aap.com.au with the phrase ‘Cancel Subscription’ in the subject field.

As an AAPNews subscriber, you have access to a range of options and features.

You will get AAP’s morning bulletin - titled ‘The Morning Wire’ - sent directly to your inbox or app (or both!) every morning, giving you a quick snapshot of the latest news and setting you up for your day. You have the option to stop bulletins being sent to you, but you can still see them when you open the settings menu on the AAPNews platform.

You can also bookmark articles which will be stored in your ‘Saved Articles’ section to be enjoyed at a later time.

You can also follow your own topic - simply click on the topic at the bottom of the story to create a topic to follow.

All the topics you create will be listed in the ‘My Topics’ section of the menu.

If you’re reading a story you like and want more information, take advantage of the ‘Related Items’ function at the bottom of the story, which offers suggestions for stories dealing with the same or similar topics.

Yes, you can override the default settings and customise your topic lists. Tap on Settings > Reorder Sections to change the section that the app opens directly to. For example, Sport or Environment.

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